Jade Marsh


My magic is in helping you to master your energy so that you manifest your desires faster and easier!

At the heart of my coaching approach lie four transformational pillars - shifting into FLOW, subconscious work, identity shifting, and cultivating a deep sense of inner safety.

private Coaching

I’m here for the woman eager to embrace all her dreams, refusing to leave a single one behind.

For the woman who recognizes that dedicating a little time to herself daily can consciously enrich her life experience.

I'm dedicated to guiding the woman ready to transform anxiety into inner peace, trade stress for flow, shift from doing to BEing, and infuse logic with MAGIC!

Remember, your desires are uniquely yours, and whatever you dream of is absolutely achievable!

Having assisted clients in manifesting new relationships, dream homes, thriving businesses, abundance, improved confidence, and more, I'm here to support you. Let me hold your hand and lead you back to your feminine wisdom, your inherent magic, and your authentic Self.

With unwavering support, I'll help you navigate through doubt, resistance, and fear, guiding you to align with your desires, where life flows effortlessly like magic.

I'm committed to reconnecting you with yourself, providing the clarity necessary to manifest your heart's desires.

If you're interested in exploring my private coaching options, send me a message here and let's chat!

coaching programs & membership community

THE FLOW FREQUENCYEmbrace a sacred shift in your approach to manifestation by tapping into the profound energy of the art of allowing. Step into the enchanting dance of the Divine Feminine with The Flow Frequency, my signature program, designed to immerse you in the sacred art of receiving.

If you'd like to to dive even deeper into embodying the magic of Flow then The Flow Frequency - Advanced Alignment is perfect for you. Say goodbye to burnout and hello to a newfound zest for life.
This program is exclusively available to those who have completed The Flow Frequency.

Awaken to the energy of HER, embodying the version of yourself who already radiates the qualities you desire and harmonizing with the frequency of your dreams. Quantum leap into a reality beyond your current vision, aligning with the spiritual abundance you seek. HER is a sacred dance of self-discovery and manifestation, crafted for the woman ready to ascend.

Release the idea of who you think you should be and allow your true Self to emerge with Spirit Warrior, a four-part exploration into your deepest Self where you'll learn to love and accept the deepest, hidden aspects of yourself.

The Flowing & Glowing Sisterhood is my monthly membership community which weaves together manifestation magic, spiritual exploration and the nurturing embrace of a community of soul sisters.

"When you hold a frequency, it’s like playing in a different realm where feelings, thoughts are different in the sense that they’re crystal clear. and things happen to you with a blink or a touch. It happened to me to manifest within one week after the first session…isn’t that magic? You may think you can do this on your own, which is true. but first practice the skill with a master (Jade) as that’s when you are being supported in the field and it feels like you are being held while learning to make steps in that new frequency you tapped into. I’m telling, it’s magical"
- Teodora, UK

curious about crystals?

Crystals hold a special place in my heart, and once you experience the profound healing effects firsthand, they might capture your heart too!

Crystal energy healing sessions are integrated in many of my coaching programs, enhancing energy shifting and alignment.

With over a decade of expertise as an Energy Healer, I share my knowledge through crystal healing courses and workshops through Spirit Crystal Academy.

“Jade was so friendly, approachable, professional, knowledgeable and down to earth. I can honestly say these 6 weeks have changed my life!
I learnt about certain thought patterns I had that were blocking me from creating my dream life. I meditated daily with specific crystal combinations that Jade picked for me, along with practicing personalised daily techniques and weekly rituals. During the 6 weeks my life started to shift, I began to manifest and actually started to attract more abundance into my life! I got two big new job offers within the 6 weeks! The more I began to focus more on self care and self awareness, the more confident I became with an inner sense of peace and contentment.I have a new fresh mindset, I have a deeper sense of gratitude and an inner knowing that I can achieve my future goals! Jade helped me look at life through a new lens and she has given me the tools to manifest and change my life forever.Investing in yourself is a gift and I had such a magical 6 weeks, I would highly recommend working with Jade to everyone as it changed my life! Thank you!”- Heather, Ibiza

This is a photo of some crystals on some driftwood.

I live my life in alignment with the spiritual principles I teach, aiming to inspire you to honor your sacred values and follow your soul's dreams.

It's time to connect with your authentic desires which, ultimately, lead you effortlessly and joyfully to where you want to be!

"Jade is so warm and caring, her energy so gentle and uplifting, and her knowledge and skills endless. Her courses have changed my view of and approach to life in positive and uplifting ways. They show us how different life can be when we are in vibrational alignment. In addition to this synchronicities and opportunities start to appear as if by magic."
- Kathryn, UK

"When I started working with Jade I was torn, skeptical and bitter about life. Her loving and patient approach towards me instantly made me believe that things could be better. I went from being afraid of talking to expressing myself freely, from no friends to many friends - and I keep meeting new ones - from no dates to dating somebody I had dreamed of seeing for a decade. Not to mention all the 'coincidences', synchronicities and magical, unbelievable experiences that I had and keep having in my life. I am so grateful for all the help and guidance that Jade provided to me. I am looking forward to the next chapters of my journey and feeling like it is just the beginning."
- Larry, New York

If you're interested in exploring my coaching or courses, or if you'd like to schedule a complimentary 30 minute discovery call with me, simply click the button below and let's chat!